Saturday, August 27, 2011

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So the point is not to reduce taxes on the rich to the extent of debt, but all of that money back into circulation, which generates more taxes from the lower class, as they are outside the public benefit and the taxable income job. It's a win-win situation for everyone in the long run. Pooling funds at the top tends to third-world economy and that means less and less security for all of us to enjoy life in general. Buffett recognition, how confused our economy - there is no quick fix, but by drew Western NY to hear Times column that 400 American control more wealth than 150 million of their compatriots' that, if you know the market value video slots free system is not fair! We now know video slots free that help the banks and not financial systems, our ruined investiment - the only thing left is to reward the companies and support to 100% in the U.S.

products made - and starts a fresh Outlook - even some sleep Sarah @ Who is Warren Buffett thinks an altruistic, honorable man should not be more research. At a tax rate of 50%, buy a lot of "rich" people of life insurance to avoid the tax office, because the life insurance payouts are tax free. The estate tax is driving the purchase of life insurance insurance.Who has six? Read more about it here: Mr. Warren was so worried that not enough responsibility, he would simply donate money to the Treasury to do with a website.

If he was serious, he would recommend a "wealth" tax that all of his considerable estate and income tax would not only, I think if he has a very low content of Berkshire. He makes his wealth not by income but by investments that are taxed at lower rates. No tax-based system is based on envy, be doomed to failure.

It is the word 'unfair' can be determined, must pay what problem.Everyone taxes. Everyone should pay the same price, with no deductions or subsidies. If a group has been charged 10 for a hamburger at McDonald 's, while the other 5 0 have been cost and some other easy-to-pay for their ability to what a fair pricing system call be? had already been delivered and for our economy in theMonitor. Hope that those who will resist his suggestions about looks and voice so that the people and not their hatred of the President and the people in this network of people for the people do not need man to survive the people.

I have over 12 years, said that a flat tax for everyone and video slots free no tax cuts and loopholes.

They tried to make us believe that the rich do not pay much tax, so they create more jobs. But as you can see there are some tax cuts in the last 12 years, and still no work.

Buffett and the truth to say, if Buffett really believe that he will pay more, is why he does not send a check? The IRS has a provision that, if you want, you pay. Let a fair tax competition as a gross income tax and do away with the income tax. One study showed that if illegal money from the books on the subject, we would not only balance the budget if no new issues had happened, but video slots free to get rid of the deficit in less than ten years. I have never supported our system will change to a flat rate tax, so far.

We have the taxes for the richest so much in recent decades, we have not to pay enough income to causes of our debt through wars and military spending (, the consequences of Bush's tax cuts, the Fannie Mae & Wall bring street bailout and other economic factors in the last 10 years that our current economic crisis.I led applaud Mr. Buffett to come forward to say that all the rich pay more.

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